New Life
in Christ
Thanks for visiting our website. And welcome to your first visit to New Life Community Church! We know people often want to take a "first look” online. That’s cool, so feel free to browse as much as you'd like. We hope our web page is as welcoming as our church on your first real visit to New Life. You'll find we're everyday people just like you, looking to connect with God and with others. And the church is great for both! So take a look around, connect with us when you're ready, and we hope to meet you at one of our services! Did we mention there’s coffee and donuts Sundays at 10 AM?

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born to a virgin named Mary about 2000 years ago. He was later sent to the cross as a sacrifice for your sins and ours, so that we may have eternal life. Three days later, He rose from the dead, becoming the only person in history ever to do so, and appeared to His followers in the following days. We believe that by simply believing in Jesus Christ to be your savior, and confessing this, you will be saved from an eternal hell. To find out more, contact us anytime.

Informal. Engaging. Dynamic. Our services can be spontaneous and inspirational. You can expect a message that’s relevant to your life and music that won’t bore you. In fact, a lot of our music can be heard on the radio. There are also no up-down hoops to jump through. You can sit, stand, kneel, crawl up like a baby, we don’t care. We let you meet God where you are. Our people are friendly and welcoming. And if you're not a member, you'll never be asked to give any money. In short, our service is pressure-free.

There isn't a dress code. So just come as you are! Shorts and a t-shirt? We’re cool with that. Your work uniform? Fine by us. To be clear, we DON’T CARE what you wear. God sees you - the real you - as you are. And He loves you, regardless of what you wear.


Pastor Paul Carey has over 40 years of ministry experience, 30 of those being right here in the Wabash Valley. He holds advanced degrees in Psychology, Communications and Biblical Counseling. In addition to pastoring New Life, he is a staff counselor with Community Christian Counseling of the Wabash Valley. Paul and his wife Sharon have 3 adult children and 6 grandchildren who are all serving the Lord in various capacities. Sharon serves as Executive Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Centers of the Wabash Valley. She also holds an advanced degree in Biblical Counseling.


Our Epic Youth teen ministry centers around the fact that teens are not the church of tomorrow; but a vital part of the church today. Our student youth ministries provide fun activities with engaging discussion and teaching that equip them to face the challenges of teenage life today. Our Friday night gatherings give teens a welcoming environment of fun and food with worship that relates to their world today.
Sunday morning: Bible Study during services (except Family Sundays)
Sunday afternoon: 4 pm Fellowship/4:30 pm Youth Service.
Epic Mixer Nights: 6 pm-9 pm. See the dates in the event calendar below.
Kids today are facing bigger challenges at earlier ages; that’s why our KidZone kids' ministry seek to relate to them in a relevant way in language they can understand! By using videos and modern technology to enhance their understanding of God’s message to Kids, our workers strive to meet the needs of Kids in ways that are also fun and engaging!

Check out our
See what we've got going on by following us on Facebook. We're always keeping it up to date with events, videos, photos, and more!
What is a small group anyway?
New Life isn’t a mega-church. But we still need to get together in groups of 4 to 10 and share life together. We eat together, pray, laugh, cry, work, and study the Bible together in order to encourage one another and build Christ-like character (you guessed it) TOGETHER! You are welcome, and we would love for you to join us.
We have Ladies Bible Study with Sharon Carey
Group Study with Pastor Paul Carey
Men's Connection with Scott Gerger
and Youth Group with Roshelle Mankin


New Life Community Church has committed itself to supporting financially and prayerfully, mission enterprises outside its walls. New Life is committed to giving 10% of its financial contributions to mission efforts. We are also committed to evangelizing the 10/40 window of mission endeavors; those people groups located between 10 degrees and 40 degrees longitude and largely unreached with the gospel.
Wabash Valley Crisis Pregnancy Center
The Wabash Valley Crisis Pregnancy Center is a pro-life organization that ministers to abortion vulnerable men and women. New Life takes a loving pro-life position and seeks to minister to those in crisis pregnancies with love and compassion. More information at www.wabashvalleypregnancy.com.
Dan, Sheri, and Hannah
These wonderful folks are New Life’s mission arm to minister to formerly Muslim believers. They serve with Arab World Ministries. More about their work can be seen at www.awm-pioneers.org.
Community Christian Counseling
Community Christian Counseling provides low cost and pro-bono counseling to individuals and families in the Wabash Valley. CCC offices are located in Terre Haute and Vincennes. They are committed to assisting hurting people with the principles of the Bible and the love and involvement of Christian accountability. More on Community Christian Counseling can be seen at www.communitychristiancounselinginc.com.
Justin Morris
New Life welcomes Justin as a Chi Alpha Campus missionary at Columbia College in Chicago! Chi Alpha Campus Ministries is a diverse community of believers on university campuses, declaring in word and lifestyle their faith in Jesus Christ, equipped to fulfill the purpose in God’s global plan. More information on Justin at www.chicagoxa.org/our-team.
Shan Smith
New Life supports Shan Smith who serves with Fellowship of Christian Athletes in the Wabash Valley. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel. More information on Shan at https://my.fca.org/shansmith.
Samaritan's Purse
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. They have been instrumental in giving assistance to every natural disaster of recent history, including hurricane Katrina assistance, tsunami assistance, and currently to Haiti earthquake victims- to name a few. Click here for more on Samaritan’s Purse and a link to OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD.

2403 South 8th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Sundays @ 10:30am
Sundays @ 10:00a